Our Clinics

In addition to general medical consultations we are pleased to offer the following special clinics and services:

Diabetic Clinic

All Diabetic patients who are not monitored through the hospital will be reviewed at the surgery. We offer diabetic clinics throughout the week enabling patients to have their diabetic bloods, diabetic foot check and diabetic review with the Practice Nurse or Practice Pharmacist.

Asthma and COPD Clinics

The surgery routinely requests all asthmatic and COPD patients to attend a yearly clinic to check how they are doing. If you feel you need to be seen before this you can make an appointment with a doctor.

Minor Surgeries

We are able to offer minor surgery appointments for small procedures such as cyst removal and ingrown toenails. Please make a routine appointment with a GP and your name will be placed on a waiting list and you will be informed when a minor surgery appointment is available.

Family Planning Services/ Contraception

Comprehensive confidential advice is available during normal surgery times. Prescriptions for oral contraceptives can be given. Both intra uterine devices and contraceptive implants can also be fitted, however these are classed as minor surgeries and will need a routine GP appointment to assess their suitability. Our Nurse Practitioner does also offer a Well Woman clinic on a Thursday morning.

Baby Clinics

Fellrose Baby Clinic will be on a Friday morning between 09:30 – 10:30 and Pelton Baby Clinic will be held on a Tuesday morning between 09:00 – 11:00. You will be contacted by the Child Health Department with details of your appointment.

Warfarin Clinic

If you are on Warfarin medication you will be asked to attend the surgery for regular check- ups. These are held on a Friday afternoon at Pelton.

Online Reviews

You can now fill in an online questionnaire for your annual reviews.  These questionnaires will then sent to the Practice for your doctor to review.